
Special Needs Teaching

Animation is a good learning tool for persons with special needs like dyslexics and other reading difficulties. Also children and youngsters with Asperger's Syndrome benefit from animation.

Asperger's Syndrome and animation
Specialized knowledge about Asperger's Syndrome is increasing and it is urgently important that this knowledge is transformed into practical solutions. This is where animation comes into the picture since it offers Asperger's children the possibility of expressing themselves on equal terms with children of the same age. The use of animation as a learning tool thus corresponds with and supports the including line of thought, while concurrently reducing marginalisation and social exclusion.

The production of animated films take the advantage of the Asperger's children/youngsters special ability to notice shapes, patterns, functions and details. Thoughts and feelings are deliberately adapted at a slow pace, allowing new knowledge to settle. For the children and youngsters the repetitive and introvert production process of animation is comforting, while at the same time a social process, since the animation film is intended to be shared and shown in a bigger forum.