Animated learningAnimated learning

Animated Learning

Animated Learning is an educational tool for teachers in public schools, based on innovations in computer animation and animated pedagogy. The intention is to develop and implement a computer-based teacher's manual and a handbook - an innovative didactic teaching tool. Teaching tool will make the teachers able to teach and communicate vocabulary, language development and comprehension (lexical, syntactic and semantic) in a fun and different way. Animation helps to enhance children's ability to communicate in a social setting, follow instructions and be able to solve problems.

The purpose of the project is to provide teachers with a tool to work with children's literacy through animation, computer interaction and play.

Since 2002, several studies have shown that a European average of 17.2% of 15-year-olds have poor literacy skills. Animated Learning therefore intended to help children and young people to acquire basic skills and competencies necessary for their personal and educational development.

Animated Learning is an EU Leonardo da Vinci knowledge development project which runs from October 2009 to 30 September 2011.

EU/LEONARDO, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (DK), KINOBUSS MTÜ (ES), Viborg Kommune(VK), Kings College London, University of London (UK), Videncenter for Sprog, Læsning og Læring(VIA UC, DK), Psykologcentret i Viborg (DK), Davis Learning Strategies (NL)